MOBILITY ADO has buses on Va-YVVen line, which runs along Merida’s peripheral road. These units have a bike rack, promoting multimodal commuting for their passengers.
Va-Y-Ven units have Euro VI technology, which help turning Mérida into a mobility standard for the near future, improving the users quality of life through multimodality.
The company was part of the temporal exhibition: “T´íinchak´ balak´ ook, empujar con el pie para que gire” (Pushing with the foot to make it turn)
This exhibit opened in the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya and showcases the story of the bicycle.
Likewise, it tells the story of how bikes arrived at Yucatán, their relationship, and the importance of this means of transportation in society and its benefits.
“Whether by bus, bike or on foot, Mérida’s mobility is headed towards the future: Multimodal, inclusive and with social purpose” is one of the exhibit’s messages.
MOBILITY ADO strengthens their commitment to achieving simpler, more humane, and smart mobility solutions which allow cities to evolve into a more agile, modern and sustainable future.
The exhibit is based on the 2020 Bikeway Infrastructure Plan, and the document “Bases and strategies to strengthen the use of bicycles in sustainable mobility in the state of Yucatán”.
Meanwhile, the Mobility and Urban Territorial Development Institute (IMDUT) oversaw the exhibit.
It’s impressive all the work being done by MOBILITY ADO for electromobility and the preservation of the environment. Without a doubt it is one of the few companies that really cares about improving society’s quality of life, and Va-Y-Ven is one of them.