Mexico City’s Mobility Secretary informed that they will convert the first Passenger Transportation Network (RTP in Spanish) diesel-fueled bus, to have a fully electric engine. This measure will provide a longer service life and help the environment.
“RTP joined Mexico City’s Secretary of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTEI in Spanish), and an institution formed by various universities, academics and researchers (REMSA in Spanish) and signed an agreement to convert the first RTP diesel-fueled bus to an EV to extend their service life, and to help the environment, through the development of national technology” Informed SEMOVI via a memo.
The Project consists of a donation of a 2017 Dina Linner to REMSA; afterwards, several public universities, researchers, and academics via Mexico City’s ECOS Network (Education, Science, Technology and Innovation), will work on the electric engineering to fully convert the unit.
“With these actions, Mexico City’s government through RTP and SECTEI renew their commitment of working to improve the city’s air quality.
Besides reducing polluting emissions and guaranteeing the right to a sustainable electromobility for the citizens.