Traffic jams, excessive energy consumption, air pollution, the negative impact on our health and other inconveniences are product of the current urban transit model such as individual car use, know more about sustainable mobility.
Together we can erradicate this obsolete model and pave the way to new, innovative models where sustainability and an environment care could be the difference. Today let’s talk a little bit about sustainable mobility.
Sustainable mobility means that every kind of trip has the objective to minimize the harmful effects on the environment. These include trips in both public and private transportation, either with people or goods, in urban roads or in highways.
Sustainable mobility is one of the main platforms on which the foundations for smart cities are built, looking for alternatives to traditional transport. For more information about this subject, don’t miss the next article about smart cities.
Fortunately, we’ve made a lot of progress in this area, thanks to interesting sustainable mobility initiatives and the next generation of technology.
Examples of sustainable mobilty
Now that we know the definition of sustainable mobility, let’s talk about some examples.
The most relevant are the following:
This is one of the best alternatives to conventional transport, provided that the distances are not very long. By walking you don’t only help the environment; you’ll also improve your cardio and overall quality of life.
Riding a bike will also help improve your health, with the additional perk that your trips will be faster, specially in the city during rush hour. It’s a great choice if you are trying to save fuel.
Electric Scooter
If exercising it’s not really your cup of the or you don’t have enough time, another option is to ride an electric scooter. Their main perk is that they can be charged with both clean and renewable energy. Besides, it’s very likely that we will soon have charging stations in our cities.
Electric Vehicle
As long as renewable energy is the main source of energy on our electric vehicle, we will be contributing to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. This option is even more sustainable if we share the car with several other people for the trip.
Electric Buses
There are more benefits to electric buses since they are a zero-emition, colective transport. With a quality public transportation with extended service hours and more routes, people can change their habits and leave private transport behind. We also have Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).
Metro, Train and Streetcars
On the same note, we could consider that any public transportation will produce much less pollution than several cars transporting the same number of passengers. It is also the best advice for long distance trips to travel by train when possible, which pollutes way less than an airplane.
Alternative fuel
Another option is for electric vehicles to work with alternative fuel to generate the needed amount of electricity such as hydrogen batteries. A little less sustainable alternative, but better than diesel or gasoline, is natural gas.
Now that you know what is sustainable mobility, how often do you use these alternatives?
What do you think of these options?